Down these Mean Streets a man must walk

Think the above quote comes from Raymond Chandler or Dashell Hammett, anyhow spent an hour yomping up and down Kensington telling people about the radio station and sticking posters up in shops, people were very friendly and supportive and looked and acted genuinely interested in the radio station and listening in.

Also spoke to a few people who I think might be good guests for the show I’m doing on Mondays and Thursdays.

Tens, Nine, Eight Sevens


We are also getting some money from the TENS fund (The Empowering Neighbourhoods Fund) missed it out last time as we hadn’t recieved it, but the logo is added below, and will be added to the downloadable car sticker/poster.

Unfortunately I’ll have to stick it onto the banner manually as it had already been printed and looks spiffing…

Show Me The Money!

Below are the bodies who have  dug deep into their pockets and found the money for the running costs of KVfm 2007 project.

These organisations will be getting name checked on the radio shows, but I’d like to pick out some people who were particularly helpful, supportive and had faith in the idea:

Lisa Vingoe; C7  Colin Heaney; LCVS  Tom McGuire; Emperor of the known universe , C7 and Berrybridge RSL  Peter Rogers:Venture Housing The TENS fund (Dont have a logo for them) Louise Baldock and Wendy Simon (Madame B and Chemical Wendy), and the people at MPAC. I’ve probably missed people out!!!

riverside.jpg                      c7.gif

nms.gif                  lcvs.gif              city-safe.gif

cfm_logo.jpg           venture.JPG





You’ll all be saying it soon!

It’s the name of the film review programme from the Yellow House young people Scott, Mark and Robin.

The show is names after the Picturedrome Wetherspoons on Kensington, the Picturdrome was the first purpose built licenced cinema building in Liverpool, another one of the “Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Kensington”.

The radio schedule with programme details, dates times will be published in the very near future, so watch this space and you can find out when PICTUREDROME will be on.

New Marketing Campaign Kicks Off


Raided the Piggy Bank and got the money together to the poster printed up on the corner of Beech Street and Prescot Road, good eh?

New Car Sticker design and Banner Art work



Been working all weekend on car sticker design and banner artwork.

Feel free to download the design print out and out it in your house or car window to show your support for kensingtonvision fm.

Last Wednesday at the Academy-The Tale of Little Voice

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Last Wednesday I got along to the session at the Academy of St Francis of Assisi, they were all engrossed planning their breakfast shows, which were all progressing well, some dead interesting ideas. This week they were planning their jingles and show idents.

The session was brilliant ( as you can probably tell from the photos) and the big surprise was one of the girls who looked so small and timid, walks up to the mic and this big strong voice came out-Holy Little Voice-It’s the Crime Detectors Show

Can’t wait to hear these particular shows as the kids are so excited about doing them and the potential for further work is so great, roll on the 19th November